How do smart people use facebook?

If you often lose focus at work due to Facebook or other social networking sites – do not take the extreme way and delete them. Let's start by minimizing Facebook. Let's learn how to use facebook of smart people

Remember the point of minimalism is this: getting rid of the less important things to focus more on and the more important and meaningful things in your life. So I can completely apply this minimalist lifestyle perspective to using Facebook by the following ways.

Unfriend people you don't know or you don't care

Try opening your Facebook friends list, if there are any friends you have never met in real life, nor have you ever talked to online. Or do you have a friend who only sells online and shares negative things on Facebook. Unfriend, or if you're afraid – unfollow to no longer show up on the wall. After doing this, you will realize that there are more quality friends that you have long "forgotten" to pay attention to.

How do smart people use facebook?
How do smart people use facebook?

Unlike pages and leave groups

We join a lot of groups and like a lot of pages on Facebook, many of which are of no benefit to us. One thing about minimizing Facebook is that I unliked all Pages and left all groups (except work-related groups). This made my Newsfeed clear, then I started following pages or groups that were meaningful to me.

On the phone, I go to Settings / Notifications and turn off the notifications of the Facebook app on the phone as well as the Messenger app. That way I won't be distracted by the ting ting anymore.

After that, I went to the Facebook application to go to Settings / Notifications and select Off all the items there. So every time I open Facebook, there are no longer too many notifications (red dots attract us), also make you less addicted.

How do smart people use facebook?
How do smart people use facebook?

Transfer energy to something else

When we want to access Facebook, then we are in possession of a source of energy. Have you noticed that at times like these, we are less likely to feel tired or sleepy? Then take advantage of this energy – move on to something more productive: reading, exercising, writing something.

Change phone screen to black and white Here's a way to deal with being too immersed in your phone in general. When we look at black and white a lot, we are easily bored, not as excited as looking at a color screen. Here are some tips for smart people to access facebook. Good luck.

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