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Scary streets, mysterious buildings to the cold, here are 13 of the scariest and most haunted ghost towns in the world .
1. Craco, Italy

This hillside ghost town was founded in the 8th century and is perched on a cliff 1,312 feet above the ground. The city became desolate due to various natural disasters. In 1963, many people here were evacuated after a landslide; in 1972 a flood made people's living conditions more precarious; and in 1980, an earthquake left the entire town deserted.
A locked gate surrounds the city , so visitors must book a guided tour if they want to see the town. Possessing a statue of the Virgin Mary, the town hosts various religious festivals throughout the year. Additionally, the town has been used as the setting for several films, including "The Passion of Christ".
2. Kennecott, Alaska

This town was once a place where millions of dollars worth of copper was mined and produced from 1911 to 1938. But as supplies dried up, this remote town gradually fell out of favor.
In 1950, there were no people left in the town and it has been a ghost town ever since. Kennecott became a National Historic Landmark in 1986, the National Park Service took over most of the land and began offering tours .
3. Kolmanskop, Namibia

The town was most developed in the early 1900s, when German miners came to the area to hunt for diamonds.
These people bring to the town a touch of German architecture, giving the desert area an opulent look. The town has a ballroom, a hospital and a bowling alley, and a host of other amenities.
The town's decline began after World War I, and in 1928 residents discovered another diamond-rich area along the coast. Most of Kolmanskop 's residents rushed to the new "hotspot", leaving their belongings and the town behind.
Kolmanskop has been slowly eroded by the desert ever since. If you want to visit, a tour of Kolmanskop can be booked in the nearby seaside town of Lüderitz.
4. Hashima Island, Japan

The island reached its peak population in 1959, but it is now completely deserted.
Hashima Island was once known for its undersea coal mines, which began operating in 1881. The island reached its peak population in 1959 with over 5,000 residents (mine workers and their families), but when the the mines began to dry up in 1974, most of the people had already left.
The once-prosperous island is now completely deserted, except for sightseeing tours that drop off tourist boats to see abandoned homes, shops and streets.
5. Thurmond, West Virginia

Thrummond isn't really a ghost town, but this almost deserted place is still a tourist attraction because of its desolate appearance. Once a bustling coal mining town, it boasted a huge population at the 2010 census. Once a popular stop on the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad - now This has become a museum.
6. Ross Island, India
Arriving at Ross Island , we can stroll through the old, abandoned structure, completely covered in roots and vines.

Vegetation is the only thing left of this island , which was once known as the "Paris of the East".
In its heyday, the island was home to British government officials, as well as a settlement established after the Indian Rebellion of 1857. British residents turned it into a holiday retreat with resorts. discos, bakeries, clubs, swimming pools and gardens, until 1941, when there was an earthquake and the Japanese invasion. Ross Island was later claimed to be replaced by the Japanese and British, and in 1979 the island was given to the Indian Navy.
7. Pripyat, Ukraine

It was home to nearly 50,000 people before they were evacuated in April 1986 because part of the nearby Chernobyl Nuclear Station exploded.
This city in northern Ukraine is probably the most famous ghost town in the world. The Chernobyl disaster caused radiation levels so high that people were forced to evacuate and leave unnecessary things behind. It's the items, including dolls, gas masks, clothing and furniture, that attract photographers and thrill seekers alike.
Radiation levels have finally dropped enough that scientists have marked the area as safe to visit, meaning you can explore this creepy town and its many schools, hospitals, shops, rooms Gyms, cinemas, factories and even amusement parks are here.
8. Garnet, Montana

It's now called Montana's best-preserved ghost town. Garnet is another mining town that has been abandoned. Wooden cabins are all that remains of the town that was once home to 1000 people in the early 19th century.
Now you can visit this place for just 3 dollars. There are campsites nearby for those looking to get an overnight experience.
9. Virginia City, Montana

This is a gold mining town founded in 1863 and once had 10,000 residents.
It is now fully preserved as a national historic landmark . Instead of deserted streets and wild bushes, tourists who visit will get a feel for what life is really like here thanks to the storefronts, houses and buildings that have not changed with the The performers bring back the town's history. There is even an opera house here.
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