666 is the number that Westerners and some other countries in the world fear the most. So what is the number 666 that makes them so afraid? what is 666 meaning? In the following article, Reviews365 will help you understand why people are so afraid of this number.

666 meaning

Westerners are very afraid of the number 666 because they think it is a terrible mark of Satan.

What is 666? Many people believe that June 6, 2006 is the day Satan appeared and disaster will come. Rumors of this terrible day spread with the same speed as the Apocalypse. But fortunately that day did not happen any major tragedy. However, speculations and worries about the disaster continued to arise on June 6, 2016. But there were no tragedies on this day either. However, many people are still afraid and shy when it comes to the number 666.

666 meaning, what does 666 mean?  hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
666 meaning

What Is Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia?

Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia is the fear of the number 666. Related to triskaidekaphobia, or fear of the number 13, this phobia has its origins in both religious belief and superstition.

Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia is a specific phobia, meaning that someone with this condition would experience intense, irrational anxiety or fear when faced specifically with the number 666. To meet the diagnostic criteria for a specific phobia, your reaction to encountering this number has to be so severe that it's disruptive to your daily life.

666 meaning in feng shui

666 meaning in Feng Shui is still causing a lot of controversy about the concept due to different beliefs in each place. In the West, people are taboo of this number, and in Vietnam, this number is believed to bring good luck and fortune.

In our country, the ancients believed that the numbers 3, 6 and 9 were numbers symbolizing reconciliation, peace and it brought a lot of good meanings. The combination of three 6s corresponds to fortune and luck will increase many times. In addition, the number 666 has a curved line, so it implies that merit will always come into the house.

666 meaning, what does 666 mean?  hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
666 meaning, what does 666 mean?  hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia

666 meaning of Satan

The number 666 appears in the last book of the New Testament, also known as Revelation. 666 is considered by Westerners to be the embodiment of Satan. Therefore, the number 666 is a symbol of imperfection and is the opposite of the number 7 - the mark of God. The number 7 is considered the number of God. Because a week has 7 days, 7 tongues of fire, 7 souls...

In addition, 666 is also considered a number symbolizing an attack against Jesus Christ. In Greek, the word Christ, when handwritten, looks like sharp objects or arrows. So it is considered a weapon against God.

In addition, the number 666 is also said to be the embodiment of the serpent of Satan, the same animal that lured Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. Because of stealing the forbidden fruit, God got angry and kicked them out of the Garden of Eden. Therefore, it is said that the number 666 is a symbol of temptation, making people go astray and make mistakes that are difficult to save the situation. (666 meaning)

According to another ancient legend, when adding 3 6s together, it equals 18. And the number 18 represents virgins, also known as virgin angels, offered in Satan's sacrifices. Those who believe in this legend believe that, if they can find enough 18 virgins and perform the ritual according to the custom, Satan will return from hell.

666 meaning, what does 666 mean?  hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
666 meaning, what does 666 mean? hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia

The meaning of the phone number 666

The number 6 in the reading of the Han Nom language means Luc and it is homophonous with the word Loc. Therefore, the number 666 carries the symbol of money and wealth. In addition, the stroke of this number, both points are from the top and they follow each other, so it symbolizes the growing fortune.

According to the above concept, many people want to use phone number 666 to have a lot of luck. Here are the golden rules that you need to know when owning phone number 666:

The number 6 belongs to the element of Venus, so it is very suitable for people with the destiny of Water. If you are destined for Thuy, owning a sim number 666 is extremely perfect. This number will bring you a lot of money and prosperity.

what does 666 mean?

However, when you want to buy a phone number 666, you should consider adding the yin and yang of all the numbers. Because luck does not only come at the end of 666, but it is also closely related to the remaining numbers.

If you have the Fire and Wood parities, you should avoid choosing a sim with this number sequence. Although 666 is a fortune number, in the five elements, it is opposite to these people. If you own 666, the user is likely to suffer a loss of prosperity, even bringing disaster to the body.

Through the above information, you must have understood what is 666 meaning. Hopefully, through the information that we share above, you can better understand these numbers.

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